Who will resist the Antichrist?
Which way the Christians will face the temptation of the Antichrist?
a) The way in which Christians will face the temptation of the Antichrist
Christians must be properly prepared to face the temptation of the Antichrist. The weapons with which Christians will be able to fight the Antichrist are the theory and practice of the Christian Church. After all, these two are essentially inseparable.
Hence, the first weapon of the Christians, will be the teachings about the signs of the Antichrist and the theoretical training on the question of the end times and the coming of the beast. As already shown elsewhere in our work, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem considers it necessary for Christians to be taught the signs of the Antichrist, so that they may recognize him when he comes and not be misled. Saint Ephraim says the same[1]. Saint Augustine writes that those who will defeat the devil in the time of the Antichrist will be assisted by the Scriptures and the grace of God[2].
The second weapon of the Christians will be the intense spiritual life and vigilance. Also, the spiritual knowledge and the gift of discernment of the spirits. Saint Ephraim emphasizes the importance of a virtuous and Christian life as a precondition for maintaining the right attitude when dealing with the Antichrist issue. Cognitive information is not enough. The information will benefit those who have spiritual interests. Material people, even if they receive the relevant information, will simply not pay attention and will turn away from the one who tells them the truth[3]. According to Saint Ephraim, we need to shed many tears and pray a lot, so that we can remain steadfast and successfully face the temptations of the Antichrist[4]. Unwavering faith, solid reason and stability are required. “If we sincerely hold on to the firm faith of Christ, we will easily disperse the power of the enemy, acquire immovable and pious reason, and the powerless enemy will go away from us, as he will not have the power to do anything. I the least, brethren, beg of you, Christ-lovers, let us not become sluggish, but rather be strong with the power of the Cross. The necessary fight is just around the corner. Let us all wear the coat of arms of faith. So be ready like the faithful beggars (servants), who do not accept another (Lord)”[5], he writes with emphasis.
If holiness is recommended in every age, it will be more than necessary in the end times. Saint Gregory Palamas asks rhetorically: "How worthy should we be of the holy studies and piety when we expect the coming of the day of God?" [6] According to Saint Ephraim, rejecting the worries of this life will arm Christians with power. Saint Augustine emphasizes the importance of humility. A Christian must be humble and seek not his own glory but the glory of God, as Christ attributed glory to the Father[7]. According to Saint Caesarius of Arles, the humble, just and true Christians, those who were not only called but also chosen, will not be deceived by the Antichrist[8].
Spiritual knowledge and the gift of discernment of the spirits will be key "sine qua non" for recognizing the Antichrist. According to St. Chrysostom, it is necessary to have the gift of the Holy Spirit called "discernment of spirits", so that we can knowingly discern the spirits, and, when recognizing the one - the Divine -, we lay our faith, when recognizing the other - the demonic - we resist[9]. According to Saints Ephraim and Ignatius Brianchaninov, the Antichrist will be recognized by those who have spiritual knowledge. "Those who know, will easily recognize his coming"[10], writes Saint Ephraim. And St. Ignatius Brianchaninov notes: "He who has received in himself the Kingdom of God… can recognize and avoid the Antichrist or even repel him. [11]"
The same views are to be found in the wider Christian literature. According to the author of Peri Synteleias (About the End Times), those will be saved in the end times: those who listen carefully to the Holy Scriptures, hold them in their hands and understand them with their minds. He writes characteristically: “Those who listen to the Scriptures and hold them in their hands and understand them with their minds, many will escape his delusion. They will understand the appearance of his intrigue and the arrogance of his delusion and they will escape from his hands"[12]. For Aretha of Caesarea, the Old and New Testaments are the two wings that will allow the Church to fly away from the temptation of the Antichrist[13]. In particular, the thought of the transient nature of the Antichrist and of the tremendous supremacy of Christ will help us defeat the natural feeling of fear. Ecumenios writes characteristically: "Do not be afraid, I say, of the ruthless and soul-destroying beast, the Antichrist, even if he threatens and acts with great momentum. The time has come, I tell you, for his condemnation. [14]" Watchfulness will be necessary. Regarding Antichrist, "Time and the experience of those who are watchful will reveal", notes Andreas of Caesarea. Regarding the practice of virtues, to which the Christians of the end times will indulge, the author of Peri Synteleias writes: "Wait and see what fasting and prayer the (living) saints will do then".
( excerpt from the book
[1] Βλ. Εφραίμ, Λόγος εις την Παρουσίαν του Κυρίου, σελ. 119. Πρβλ. και Κοσμά του Αιτωλού, Διδαχές, Έκδοση Μενούνου, Διδαχή Α΄2, σελ. 87, « Αυτά λογιάζω, αδελφοί μου, σας ετρόμαξαν την καρδίαν καὶ αληθινά φοβερά πράγματα είναι και εγώ όπου τα λέγω τρέμω και δειλιώ, μά τί να κάμω όπου έχω χρέος να σας τα φανερώσω » και Έκδοση Καντιώτου, Διδαχή ΣΤ΄, σελ. 227. Βλ. και στην ενότητα τη σχετική με την παρατήρηση των σημείων των καιρών.
[2] Αυγουστίνου, Η Πολιτεία του Θεού, Κ΄, Η΄, σελ. 94.
[3] Βλ. Εφραίμ, Λόγος εις την Παρουσίαν του Κυρίου, σελ. 126.
[4] Βλ. Εφραίμ, Λόγος εις την Παρουσίαν του Κυρίου, σελ. 116, « Πολλῶν εὐχῶν καὶ δακρύων χρήζομεν, ὦ ἀγαπητοί, ἵνα τις ἡμῶν εὑρεθῇ ἑδραίος ἐν τοῖς πειρασμοῖς ».
[5] Εφραίμ, Λόγος εις την Παρουσίαν του Κυρίου, σελ. 118-9. Βλ. και Ιγνατίου Μπριαντσιανίνωφ, Θαύματα και σημεία, Έκδοση Ι. Μ. Νικοπόλεως, σελ. 81-84.
[6] Γρηγορίου του Παλαμά, Ομιλία Δ΄, Εις το Ευαγγέλιον της Δευτέρας του Χριστού Παρουσίας και περί ευσπλαχνίας και ευποιίας, Δ΄, Ε.Π.Ε. 9, σελ. 112 και P.G. 151, 48.
[7] Βλ. Αυγουστίνου, Εις το κατά Ιωάννην, 14-24, NPNF, Series I, vol. VII, σελ. 185-7.
[8] Καισαρίου της Αρελάτης, Ε.Α., 6 και 18, σελ. 74 και 104.
[9] Βλ. J.P. Cramer, Catenae in epistolas catholicas, σελ. 130, « Ἀναγκαῖον ἔχειν ἐκεῖνο τὸ χάρισμα τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος, ὅ ὠνόμασται διάκρισις πνευμάτων, ἵνα ἐπιστήμην ἔχωμεν δοκιμάζειν τὰ πνεύματα, ὥστε τῷ μὲν πιστεύειν, τῷ δὲ ἀνθίστασθαι. Χαρακτηριστικὸν λέγει τοῦ Ἀντιχρίστου… ».
[10] Εφραίμ, Λόγος εις την Παρουσίαν του Κυρίου, σελ. 126.
[11] Ιγνατίου Μπριαντσιανίνωφ, Η Βασιλεία του Θεού και ο Αντίχριστος, ο.π., σελ. 15-16.
[12] Περί Συντελείας, ΧΧΧΙΙ, σελ. 288.
[13] Βλ. Αρέθα Καισαρείας, Ε.Α., ΛΕ΄, σελ. 365, « Αἱ πτέρυγες δὲ τί ἄν ἄλλο οἴοιντο, ἤ αἰ δύο διαθῆκαι Θεοῦ πρὸς ἡμᾶς τῆς παλαιᾶς καὶ καινῆς. Αἵτινες πτέρυγες μετεώρους ἄγουσι πρὸς τὴν ἔρημον πάσης διύγρου ἡδονῆς τοὺς κεχρημένους αὐταῖς γνησίως. Ἀεὶ μὲν, μάλιστα δὲ ἐν τῇ τοῦ Ἀντιχρίστου παρουσίᾳ ».
[14] Βλ. Οικουμενίου, Ε.Α., VIII, σελ. 197.
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